Thursday, January 26, 2012

2 month Dr. appointment

The boy went to the Dr. the other day. The Dr. was saying he wasn't encouraged by the looks of his blood work. His HGH level was still low. His was 23 and the average is between 30 and 50. I'm not sure what the numbers are but 23 is lower than 30. The Dr. changed is tune however when he looked at the boys growth. I've stated here that I thought he had grown the width of my thumb each month. My thumb is about an inch. The Dr. reported that the boy had grown two full inches. He now stands a towering 39 inches. He blasted his way from the 2 percentile all the way up to the 13th. That is wild. He is still behind and the Dr. prescribed an INCREASE in the nightly dosage. I was surprised by the increase to .8, but I was excited by the way the boy was able to show growth. The other part of the appointment was saying that the now 39 inch boy had only put on .4 of a pound. We need to strengthen those longer bones! We were given some recommendations for his diet. Suffice to say we will be spending quite a bit of time in the dairy row. My personal favorite is "Super Milk". You take whole milk and add evaporated milk and chocolate. There is a warning to limit your intake of "Super Milk" to about 8 ounces a day. He did eat well tonight. He has a very unique way of eating ice cream sandwiches. Very unique! Overall it was a very exciting report from the Dr. Our boy has grown. He needs to put on weight. Super Milk should help that process. The nightly injections have gotten routine, the increase in dose doesn't mean anything. Maybe his appointment in April will lower his dose of Genotropin. I'm secretly hoping to increase the amount Super Milk! I will hang my close on this line.

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