Friday, December 16, 2011

5 weeks in.

I mentioned in my last post that we measured the boy and he had grown in the 4 weeks we had been giving the shots. It isn't scientific but the progress is there, in Sharpie, on his bedroom door. Tonight my wife and daughter are out making holiday cookies so I had to go the shot alone with the boy. It was smooth. He fake cries when he sees the shot, but that is to be expected. He didn't even feel it. I wonder if I've improved my shot giving technique or if the boy simply has a high threshold for pain. I lean toward the latter. Having been born with pulmonary hypertension and having to be on a vent for so long when he was born may make the boy unbreakable. He is one tough little hombre. It is something when you can learn from your kids. It is really something when a small boy can teach you what is what. The boy takes his shot and is back to his normal happy self within seconds. He is the happiest child I've ever been around. There is something to be said about being happy. I know he isn't unbreakable but his spirit is. My heart isn't unbreakable, it cracks every time the boy says I'm not his friend, but it can take strength from my sons spirit. I'm not really a Grinch or Scrooge but I don't really like the Holidays. They just seem so overblown and wasted. I ask my son what he wants for Christmas and his answer has been...... HALLOWEEN! He is blissfully happy all the time. No commercial product can produce the joy I see on that boys' face when he is jumping on his bed. That is the spirit of the Holidays. That is the good will we are searching for. That is my son.

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