Saturday, December 31, 2011

Week 6/7 of Genotropin

The Holiday came and went. My son has a very large present under the tree still wrapped. He just couldn't care less about such things. That is awesome. The Genotropin shots continue into week 7. The boy has grown, there is no question about it. He has lost some of the baby look in his facial features. This isn't just wishful thinking. We traveled to family over the Christmas Holiday. They don't see him on a daily basis and they say he has grown so much. The trepidation I had about giving shots every day forever has eased with the signs of progress. I'm not looking forward to a lifetime of shots, but if the shots do what they seem to do it will be worth it for us and our son. We have blood work and a Dr. appointment coming next month. It will be two calendar months of shots on my wife's birthday. We will measure him again. We will continue to use the purely scientific method of standing the boy up against his door. I'm just amazed at the changes that have occurred in the past 7 weeks. I guess it could be a coincidence. We are on high alert for growth so we see every little bit. That is all true, but the boy went over a year without growing at all. Then he blasts up close to an inch in the first month of shots. The Genotropin seems to work. I am not paid to talk about the drug. I, simply, want to track the progress of my son on the medication. We get the medication about once a month in the mail. It comes in a big box. We live where it gets very, very hot in the summer so I hope we are home when it comes. That is to worry about later. Now we are enjoying the growth of our son. He didn't get Halloween for Christmas, but guess what? He was happy anyway. The boy is always happy, and it is contagious! Happy New Year! Better hang my close on this line!

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